Wellbeing Message
At Riverton Primary School, we understand the strong and mutual interconnection between wellbeing and learning. Creating a school environment where learner wellbeing for learning is paramount is integral to our work as educators. The influence of continuous and rapid change in today’s world and the consequent complexity requires educators to keep inquiring into new ways to support student wellbeing so are ready to learn. Wellbeing is used loosely to imply a generalised state of feeling valued, socially, emotionally, intellectually and, eventually, economically. Child wellbeing is more than the absence of problems.
Positive relationships are paramount to student wellbeing. Educators who are respectful, interested and caring build positive relationships with learners and those associated with them. Partnerships are fostered through reciprocal communication and sharing of information, between staff, students and families. These relationships create optimum conditions for wellbeing and successful learning. In positive relationships, learners will interact with others; participate; ask questions; seek help; take risks; and be reassured of their capabilities and worth. These interactions are central to any new learning.
If you would like more information about learner wellbeing you may like to visit: